The resources capture best practice and the essential skills and knowledge required by the CHC training package. Learners will be inspired by the colourful layout and visuals which bring the content to life to deliver an engaging learning experience. The resources are designed with real life scenarios and meaningful practical tasks to reinforce knowledge and encourage in-depth reflection.
Each training and assessment resource has been validated and reviewed externally by early childhood sector representatives and VET industry specialists to ensure criteria and elements of the qualification have been met.
Learner Resources
For each unit of competency there is a learning guide, written assessment instructions, written assessment tasks, practical assessment instructions, on-the-job third party reports, and a practicum guide, practicum log book and a practicum final report.
Assessor Resources
For each unit of competency there is an assessor guide, practical and written assessment tools and instructions, written assessment marking guides, a mapping guide, mapping templates and assessment summary records and work placement and practicum instructions.
Trainer Resources
For each unit of competency there is a trainer guide, PowerPoints, session plans, mapping of learning materials and suggested resources.
General Training and Assessment Guides
These documents contain general information that will support trainers and assessors to implement Enriching Futures resources into their training and assessment systems. These guides will assist RTO’s to meet the requirements of the CHC training package and Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
Enriching Futures resources will provide trainers and assessors with quality materials that they can confidently implement into their training and assessment systems.
A combination of written and practical assessment tools support the assessment of relevant knowledge and skills that early childhood educators must demonstrate to meet qualification requirements.
The assessment tools have been carefully developed and are intended to be used as a complete package to provide a holistic view of the learner’s competence within each unit.
Mapping templates for each unit of competency have been designed to assist Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) ensure compliance when using Enriching Futures training resources.