What is the Enriching Futures Training and Assessment System?
The Enriching Futures Training and Assessment system has been developed to support the delivery of education and care qualifications from the CHC Training Package. It is a comprehensive system that supports Trainers and Assessors in both the delivery of training and the assessment of their Learners.
Why should we choose the Enriching Futures Training and Assessment System?
This system has been designed by early childhood and VET specialists and covers everything from training and assessment through to the practicum process and RPL. It is a complete system that can be implemented and resources are provided at a unit level for the training and assessment of a single unit and also as a whole qualification. It also includes guides for Workplace Supervisors and Mentors in the Workplace.
Will we be compliant at an audit if we use the Enriching Futures Training and Assessment system?
Each document has been through a thorough validation process by both early childhood and VET specialists with significant experience including ASQA auditing. The system has been designed to be used as a whole system to support compliance, however RTO’s are responsible for validating the products and to decide how they will implement them in their own training and assessment systems. Please be mindful that choosing to not use a particular document will require consideration as to how any gaps will be covered. Please Note: CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety states that assessment must involve persons approved of by relevant local community elders. It is the responsibility of each RTO to meet this requirement in their local areas.
What documents are included for each unit of competency?
Each unit of competency has the following resources:
Trainer Kit
- Trainer Guide (unit specific)
- Power point Presentation
- Session Plans
Assessor Kit
- Assessor Guide with mapping of assessment tools (unit specific)
- Learner Assessment Instructions
- Blank Mapping Template for RTO’s to complete their own validation
- Written Assessment Task with 2 cover sheet options – 1 resubmission or 2 resubmissions and Third Party Report
- Record of Practical Assessment
- Simulated Assessment Instructions (for CHCECE005 and CHCPRT001 only)
- Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Report
- Recognition of Prior Learning Candidate Instructions
What resources are provided for the delivery of the whole CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care?
In addition to the unit specific resources the following are provided:
Trainer Kit
- CHC30113 Trainer Guide
Assessor Kit
- CHC30113 Assessor Guide
- CHC30113 Record of Competence (to document successful completion of all requirements)
- CHC30113 Assessor Practical Assessment Guide
- CHC30113 Learner Assessment Instruction Guide
- CHC30113 Learner Practicum Information Guide
- CHC30113 Mentor Information Guide
- CHC30113 Workplace Supervisor Information Guide
- CHC30113 ECEC Service Practicum Information Guide
- CHC30113 Recognition of Prioir Learning Assessor Guide
- CHC30113 Recognition of Prior Learing Candidate Guide
Are there simulations for all units? How are these completed?
There are 2 units with simulated assessments, these are CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk and CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers. These simulations have been provided to cover practical tasks that may be difficult to observe in the workplace.
What is the Navigating the National Quality Framework assessment?
This Written Assessment Task has been developed to cover knowledge evidence that sits within a number of units from the CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, including how to access:
- the National Quality Framework (NQF)
- the National Quality Standards (NQS)
- the relevant approved learning framework
- the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
By completing this assessment at the beginning of the qualification, Learners become familiar with these documents and also to demonstrate their knowledge of these in one single Assessment, without repetitive questioning throughout each task.
What are the assessment requirements for each unit?
For each unit of competency the assessment requirements are:
- Written Assessment Task
- Third Party Report
- Practical Assessment (including simulations where applicable)
- Work Placement hours (where applicable).
Can we buy just one unit?
Yes the Enriching Futures Training and Assessment System has been designed so you can purchase and successfully train and assess one unit by itself.
How long can we use these resources for and is there a maximum amount of Learners we can use them with?
Once you purchase the license for the product/s you are free to use it for as long as you feel they are appropriate with as many Learners as you like.
Can we make changes to the resources?
The resources are provided in PDF format and cannot be modified. You may however choose to develop your own cover sheets or provide additional information that has been contextualised to suit your cohort of learners.
Can we put our logo onto the resources?
If you have the software that enables this you may add your own logo provided the Enriching Futures logo remains the same on each document.
What happens if there is a change in the training package? Enriching Futures endeavors to provide up to date, current materials. Where there is a change in training package it will be up to your RTO to decide whether the materials are still suitable for use. You may choose to gap fill yourself or purchase the updated products when they become available.
Do you sell learning resources for the Learners?
Yes, Enriching Futures has a complete set of engaging learning guides that are available to purchase either as hard copy or licensed. We encourage you to take a look at these products. The Session Plans in the Trainer Kits provide links to these comprehensive resources.